PO Box 2175 ESP Station Albany NY 12220 contactcdgs@cdgsny.org
The Capital District Genealogical Society maintains involvement in family history research in many ways.
We have a website: capitaldistrictgenealogicalsociety. You know that because here you are!
Our website is free and it is full of information. Check out "about us" and look at the links to local/statewide resources.
We have a Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CapitalDistrictGenealogicalSociety/
Our group is private, meaning while you can search for us you won't be able to comment or see comments unless you join. It's easy to join. It's free to join. It's quick to join. Learn about upcoming events and pretty much whatever you want to talk about.
We have a Facebook Page
We are on Instagram: Interact with us @CDGSNY
We have direct membership in our society. This is not free. We offer monthly (except for December) meetings which feature a speaker presentation to help you with your research or to provide information about some aspect of genealogy/family history that you may not have considered - yet. These are paid speakers and we have to cover their costs. We also publish four times a year a 16 page newsletter that we send to every member of CDGS. Our website has costs associated with it. So, we charge for memberships. We cost a reasonable $25 (by check) or $27 (online transactions) per calendar year. Dues are $25 if you mail us a check and $27 if you use a credit card or PayPal. We know some of you don't want to submit credit card information, so there are options. You can choose to use a credit card, to use PayPal, or to "pay later" which means you will send us a check in the mail. We are even putting picture instructions on our "how to" page to show you how to navigate our system. "How To"