* This is a "Members Only" Opportunity*

CDGS  Special Interest Group         -          Writers' Workshop Fall 2024

The Capital District Genealogical Society is sponsoring a continuing round of monthly gatherings of people interested in working on creating narratives of their family history. Make your research come alive for others to truly enjoy reading!

The group began in the Fall of 2021 and welcomes additional writers to join in and share their writings with guidance by retired English Professor, Paul Lamar.  

The Fall 2024 dates are:

September 14

October 12

November 9

December 14

January 11

Typically, Paul Lamar suggests a prompt or cue to inspire a fresh look into whatever aspect of family history the writers are working on. Participants are free to continue working on pieces already started, or to embark on a new line using the prompt or not. Paul reviews the work and suggests portions of people's work to be read at the meeting for discussion.

Due to the additional work that Paul does between meetings on our behalf, registrants are charged $35 to enroll in this program.

Is this the excuse you need to start writing? If so, go to the blue button on the top of every page of our website capitaldistrictgenealogicalsociety.org that says "Your CDGS Account", log in, click on "register for a presentation" and choose Writers' Workshop.
or email contactcdgs@cdgsny.org to express your interest or ask questions about the group.

Paul Lamar is a retired college English professor. He is a Yale and Harvard alumnus and has taught many continuing classes in poetry, playreading, flash fiction (stories in under 1,000 words) and memoir. He is a published author and poet. You may have seen his program notes in the Albany Symphony Orchestra concert programs, or read his music and theater reviews in The Record. He has helped people get their GEDs. You will find him to be a generous and kind instructor. ▪

Don't let your research languish in file folders or boxes on the shelf! You opened the door to your family history, now learn to tell the tale of your family's history.  Log In to your CDGS account, register/pay for this event and let's get started.

Members of the current session of Writers Workshop can log in to their CDGS Account (above) to access to view a video of the most recent Writers Workshop Session.